Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Well the day came...

The day I've been worrying about came and went. The day my oldest baby started kindergarten. It makes me sad that he doesn't seem so little anymore, but I was and am so proud of the way he seems to be embracing school. He's pretty much a quiet kid and I was a little worried with him not knowing anyone and being scared, but he seems to be adapting without a problem. Children seem to have a knack for fitting in and going with the change better than adults.
 I did good and didn't cry until I got about halfway to work. Then I broke down and had a good cry thinking of all that Landon will be learning and seeing and that I will never get that "first day" with Lawson.  No first giggle, no first steps, no first words, no first day of school and that breaks my heart. Billy made the point that Lawson had his first day in Heaven and that it had been so much better. Which is so true, but as a mother I wanted those pictures of him and those sweet hugs as we left him to start his first big adventures. I will miss out on all those firsts that he would have had if he was here with us. I miss him terribly and will always wonder what he would have been.

Lots of things about him and our situation have been constantly on my mind lately and I'm not sure why. I'm sure its the stress of all these changes and fertility treatments, and Billy being back on the road traveling. It doesn't make it easier, that's for sure. Its been a constant battle lately of trusting God and wanting to give up. Have to keep in mind that I may not understand His will but I need to accept it because He knows more than I do.

Monday, May 19, 2014

That all familiar feeling

Last night my husband and I sat and watched the new lifetime movie "Return to Zero". I had heard about it through various sites that I follow on Facebook that deal with infant death. I knew that I wanted to see if this movie would quite portray the way it feels to have something so precious taken from you. I was surprised at the reality of the emotions, and the way it showed the overwhelming way that it becomes a part of every aspect of your life. That baby and those feelings are a part of you for the rest of your life! There is no escaping the way that it tugs at your heart when you see things that remind you of him or when its quite and all you can think about is that baby. Of course, because its a movie, some odd things take place that had nothing to do with most people's journeys. But overall the film made me laugh and it made me cry. I remembered feeling like I was mad, sad, confused, and overwhelmed all at the same time. I remember crying and wanting to scream because there was no other way for my body to let out all those emotions. It physically hurt for so long. Yes, physically, I didn't even know that was possible. I felt like my heart was ripping open. And still I know that my heart will always have a piece missing. I still feel him everyday and think about him almost constantly. The what-ifs play in my head all the time, even though now I can calm them a little. No one knows what to do when you have to bury your child before you even get to think fully about their life. One of the things that they ask you in the hospital is arrangements for your child. I don't know a single parent that has decided what they will do when they bury a child. Where do you want him buried, is he to be cremated or buried....all the questions and you want to do nothing but scream at them to just let you have time. But time isn't what you get when this happens to you. Time is stolen. There is no time allowed to spend admiring each part of that little being, or time to watch them grow. It all happens so swiftly and time is not your friend.
People say that I've been strong and really no one sees the parts of you that fall apart and will never be put back together. Everyone will handle their emotions differently and for a while I felt as if I might not come out a better person. I still know that I am a little more bitter than I thought, but that's a part of me now too. I knew that going on through life was my only choice and I had to accept that as a mom that lost her child, I will NEVER be the same and that's okay.
 Towards the end of the movie, the mother of the stillborn baby says, "The thing that no one tells you about is the relationship that begins after they die." ......Oh how true! You have a connection and love with that child that no one else will know. They can't see it because he isn't here physically, but its like your child is still a part of your body and your whole being. It takes a place in each part of your life.


Monday, March 3, 2014


Days have come and days have gone...though the days don't ever feel the same to me. I am healing in ways and only by God's grace but honestly the pressure society puts on parents to just get over their children they've lost is ludicrous. I miss and think of him in everything I do. I think of him when I'm alone, I think of him when I'm with many people and watching them with their children, I think of what we would be doing if he were here, how each thing we did would be different in some small way. He fills my thoughts. I think of him as we go through our fertility problems and how I would have a little more peace if he were here. I think that I was at the lowest point this time last year and God showed me how to pull myself up. I've come a really long way since the days of thinking that my heart was literally breaking in my chest. That's what it feels like to lose a child to me. Imagine the worst emotions you could ever have and they are uncontrollable. So uncontrollable that they make you physically hurt as well. They make you feel like your heart is being ripped out and doesn't know how to beat. I still remember laying in my bed and crying and crying and thinking that I may not live through the pain. 
God has another plan for me, I hope but I don't know quite what it is yet. I don't know why we were chosen for this path or the path that He's leading us on now. I just need his guidance. 
As I was writing this a scripture popped into my head so I will share it.  

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." 
                           Matthew 11:28