I hear God talking to me a lot through situations now. The other day I had a patient that was talking with me about her premature babies. They are both still living after being born at 28 and 26 weeks. The boy that was born at 26 weeks has a lot of developmental problems and it broke my heart to hear her story. It makes me thankful that God chose to take my baby from that pain. I honestly believe he may have had a lot of issues if he had lived. If God had chosen for him to stay however, I would have cared for him with everything I had. But it would hurt me to know that I could only help him in certain ways. I hate for people to make fun of other people especially when it is something that the person can't help, such as mental issues, etc. I would have been one of those crazy moms that might have gone nuts on someone! I truly believe that God chose to spare my son of those hardships and for that I am grateful!
The other day I had to take Landon home from the ballpark because he was acting up and sassing me. I was so so upset at the time, but after talking to this lady and her telling me that she had to make her son get out of the van at the ballpark just because he has a lot of social development problems and he doesn't like to be around people. He was very upset but she had to watch her daughter play ball. I was thinking to myself, Ok God I understand that I need to appreciate my blessings. I have a wonderful child that may act up every once in a while and what child doesn't. There are people dealing with things like this lady everyday around the world.
This quote stuck out at me after all this going on,
"Don't let yourself become so concerned with raising a good kid that you forget that you already have one."
I think that Lawson would be proud of his big brother even if he is a handful sometimes!
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